International recommendations for parathyroid surgery during the initial response to COVID-19
The Society of Surgical Oncology issued a statement with some recommendations for endocrine surgery on March 30, 2020 (). This statement endorsed the opinion of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons for parathyroid surgery. Parathyroidectomy was recommended only for life-threatening hypercalcemia that could not be controlled by medical treatment ().
Parathyroid surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: Time to think about the “New Normal”
MontenegroFLM, BresciaMDG, ArapSS, KulcsarMAV, TavaresMR, KowalskiLP. Parathyroid surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: Time to think about the “New Normal”. Clinics (Sao Paulo).. 2020;75:e2218.
Montenegro,Fábio Luiz de Menezes; Brescia,Marília D’Elboux Guimarães; Arap,Sergio Samir; Kulcsar,Marco Aurélio Valmondes; Tavares,Marcos Roberto; Kowalski,Luiz Paulo. Parathyroid surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: Time to think about the “New Normal”. Clinics (Sao Paulo)., v. 75, e2218, Aug. 2020.
Montenegro,F.L.M., Brescia,M.D.G., Arap,S.S., Kulcsar,M.A.V., Tavares,M.R., & Kowalski,L.P. (2020). Parathyroid surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: Time to think about the “New Normal”. Clinics (Sao Paulo).,75, e2218.
Montenegro,Fábio Luiz de Menezes and Brescia,Marília D’Elboux Guimarães and Arap,Sergio Samir and Kulcsar,Marco Aurélio Valmondes and Tavares,Marcos Roberto and Kowalski,Luiz Paulo. Parathyroid surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: Time to think about the “New Normal”. Clinics (Sao Paulo). [online]. 2020, vol. 75, [cited 2020-08-29], e2218. Available from: <>. ISSN 1807-5932.
Figure 1
Annual Parathyroid operations before the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic (1HPT=primary hyperparathyroidism, 2HPT=renal hyperparathyroidism).