Publication information and editorial policies

CLINICS is an electronic journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles in continuous flow, of interest to clinicians and researchers in the medical sciences. Registered with PubMed Central ( and SciELO (, CLINICS complies with the policies of funding agencies which request or require deposition of the published articles that they fund into publicly available databases. CLINICS supports the position of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) on trial registration. Please visit for further details and for the WHO’s list of approved registries.

Gold Open Access Journal: Articles become freely accessible as soon as they are published.

Plagiarism and Duplication: All articles are checked through Similarity Check/iThenticate ( to ensure originality.

All manuscripts must conform to specific study guidelines as listed below:

  • Clinical Trials should follow the CONSORT Statement rules.
  • Observational Studies (Cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies) should follow the STROBE Statement.
  • Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis should follow the PRISMA guidelines.
  • Diagnostic and Prognostic Studies should follow the STARD guidelines.
  • Animal and Clinical Study should follow the ARRIVE guidelines.

Conflict of Interest: Before submitting an article to CLINICS, the contact author must fill out the ICMJE Conflict of Interest form ( The form must be included upon submission.

Publication fees

CLINICS uses a business model whereby expenses are partly recovered by charging the authors, or research sponsors, a publication fee for each published article.

Original Articles and Review Articles: US$ 1,700.00 (International authors) and R$ 3.000,00 (Brazilian authors). There are no charges for Invited Reviews, Editorials and Comments.

Waiver Policy: Most institutions and funding agencies have set up funding sources to cover Article Publication Costs. Unfortunately, CLINICS cannot grant fee waivers.

Please make sure to submit your manuscript in the exact format that is described below. Failure to do so will cause the submission to be returned to you during the preliminary examination by the Editorial Office.

Manuscript Categories

ORIGINAL ARTICLES: Complete original studies should be submitted in this category. Original studies must conform to the following format:

  • Title: Up to 200 characters
  • Running title: Up to 40 characters
  • Authors’ full names followed by their ORCID and contributions to the article: Authors should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. Such participation must be declared in this section of the manuscript.
  • Any financial or other relationships that may lead to a conflict of interest.
  • Abstract: Abstracts are limited to 250 words and structured into objectives, method, results, and conclusions. Authors are strongly encouraged not to display numerical statistical information but to merely state what is significantly different (or not) between the described parameters. Please make sure to always include your Abstract in the main document file.
  • Keywords: For keywords, 3-6 items from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSh) should be used.
  • Introduction: The introduction should set the purpose of the study, provide a brief summary (not a review) of previous relevant studies, and state the new advances in the current investigation. The introduction should not include data or conclusions from the work being reported. A final sentence summarizing the novel finding to be presented is permissible.
  • Materials and Methods: This section should briefly give clear and sufficient information to permit the study to be repeated by others. Standard techniques only need to be referenced. Previously published methods may be briefly described following the reference.
  • Ethics: When reporting experiments on human subjects, indicate whether the procedures were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and with the Helsinki Declaration. When reporting experiments on animals, indicate whether the institution’s guide, a national research council’s guide, or any national law on the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.
  • Results: The results section should be a concise account of the new information that was discovered, with the least personal judgment. Do not repeat in text all the data in the tables and illustrations but briefly describe what these data comprise.
  • Discussion: The discussion should include the significance of the new information and relevance of the new findings in light of existing knowledge. Only unavoidable citations should be included. Citation to review articles are not encouraged in this section.
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgments: This section should be short, concise, and restricted to acknowledgments that are necessary.
  • References should follow the standards summarized in the NLM’s International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
  • References in text: Cite references in the text using Arabic numerals in the order of appearance, within parentheses, (1) after the previous word, with spacing as in this example: “Diabetes (2), hypertension (3,4) and alcoholism (5-9) are complex medical problems (10).” Under exceptional circumstances, authors’ names may appear in text: Single author: “Einstein (11) proposed a new theory …”, Two authors: “Watson and Crick (12) reported on the structure of …”, or Three or more authors: “Smith et al. (13) described …”
  • Reference List: Only citations that appear in the text should be referenced. References must be restricted to directly relevant published works, papers, or abstracts. Unpublished papers, unless accepted for publication, should not be cited. Work that is accepted for publication should be referred to as “in press” and a letter of acceptance of the journal must be provided. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and for correct text citation. Usually the total number of references should not exceed 35. For up to 6 authors, list all authors. For more than 6 authors, list first 6 authors followed by “et al.”. Sample references:
  • Tables and Figures: Tables - Should be constructed using the table feature in your word processor or using a spreadsheet program such as Excel. The tables should be numbered in order of appearance in the text, using Arabic numerals. Each table should have a title and an explanatory legend, if necessary. All tables must be referenced and succinctly described in the text. Under no circumstances should a table repeat data that are presented in an illustration. Statistical measures of variation (i.e., standard deviation or standard error) should be identified, and decimal places in tabular data should be restricted to those with mathematical and statistical significance. Figures - Photographs, illustrations, charts, drawings, line graphs, etc. are all defined as figures. Number figures consecutively using Arabic numerals in order of appearance. Figure legend(s) should be descriptive and should allow examination of the figure without reference to text. Images must be of professional quality and uploaded as *.tiff files. Generally, figures will be reduced to fit one column of text. The actual magnification of all photomicrographs should be provided, preferably by placing a scale bar on the print. Line graphs and charts should never be sent as *.jpeg illustrations. We recommend preparing line graphs and charts as Excel® files and copying these files into a Word *.doc sheet.

REVIEW ARTICLES: Review articles should cover themes that are relevant to medical practice. Spontaneously submitted reviews are welcome; however, potential authors should bear in mind that they are expected to have expertise in the reviewed field. The sections should be arranged as follows:

  • Title: Up to 200 characters
  • Running title: Up to 40 characters
  • Authors’ full names followed by their ORCID and contributions to the article: Authors should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. Such participation must be declared in this section of the manuscript.
  • Any financial or other relationships that may lead to a conflict of interest.
  • Abstract, keywords and text should be arranged to cover the subject that is being reviewed.

Abstract: Abstracts are limited to 250 words and should not be divided into sections. Please make sure to always include your Abstract in the main document file.

Keywords: For keywords, 3-6 items from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSh) should be used.

  • If appropriate, the method of reference collection should be described.
  • The use of headings, subheadings, and paragraph titles is encouraged to improve clarity.
  • Abbreviations, acknowledgments, tables and figures should be formatted as described in the Original Articles section.
  • The number of references is at the discretion of the authors.
  • No publication fee discount is allowed for spontaneously submitted review articles that are accepted for publication.

EDITORIALS: Editorials should cover broad aspects of medical or biological sciences. Such manuscripts are not submitted to peer review and are published at the discretion of the editor. No publication fee is charged for this class of manuscripts.

COMMENTS: Comments on a paper or relevant issues are welcome and will be published at the discretion of the editor. No publication fee is charged for this class of manuscripts.


A copyright transfer form, signed by all authors, must be uploaded as a complementary file as soon as the manuscript is submitted. Click here to download the Copyright Transfer Form.

Please do not change the original list of authors sent upon submission. The inclusion or exclusion of any author would lead to a reversal of the original decision.

When authors are certain that the manuscript complies with the journal format, please click on the submission button and you will be directed to our manuscript submission site.

The system will guide authors through the manuscript submission process and will prompt authors to input information into specific fields as they are submitting their manuscript. The editorial office and authors will be automatically notified of the submission. Progress of the manuscript will be available to authors at all times.

Peer Review

Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two expert consultants.