Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2021;76:e2995.
Implementation of a preoperative fasting abbreviation protocol in a tertiary pediatric center
DOI: 10.6061/clinics/2021/e2995
Over the past two decades, the concept of preoperative fasting for pediatric patients undergoing elective surgery has been reviewed by the scientific medical community. The European Society of Anesthesiology and American Society of Anesthesiology announced a minimum of 2h of preoperative fasting time for children and adolescents and the ingestion of only clear fluids within 2h prior to procedural anesthesia (,).
We currently know that more than 4h of fasting may lead to unfavorable metabolic and inflammatory effects, such as increased insulin resistance, hunger, and thirst, in the pediatric population and can negatively impact a child’s mental well-being. These aspects result in worse response to surgical trauma, which may lead to negative outcomes in terms of postoperative morbidity, length of hospitalization, and complications ().